Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Decklist: URG Shenanigans' Path

Settle down children, and let me take you on a journey. Not only do I have a decklist for you today, but I thought I'd give you some insight into my deck building process. It was an interesting journey, and hopefully someone out there will be able to gleam a little deckbuilding knowledge from it.

Now, today's deck is an odd one. Every once in a while I'll stumble across a card from Magic's past that had somehow eluded me for all these years. Some cards, like Surprise Deployment or Saprazzan Heir, are nice additions to my Johnny arsenal and beg to be built around. On the flip side, others are so bad that they stick with me and taunt me until I put their spirits to rest by building a deck around them.

The lynchpin for today's deck is one such card. Often called the worst Magic card in existence, this card gives a mediocre effect for such a steep cost that it's ridiculous by today's standards. Can you guess which card I'm getting at? Hailing all the way from 1994's The Dark, it's...